2020 Film by Saeed Malekan.
Examples for "zero day"
Examples for "zero day"
1A zero day is a vulnerability in software that has yet to be identified or patched.
2Body weight findings showed significant increase in body weight of all groups from zero day to 60th day.
3Microsoft is now offering a security patch for one of the " zero day" flaws in MS Word.
4But don't mintion it in the same brith with tendin' our four dozen fur traps on a twenty-below- zero day.
5After recording another zero day, Queensland has made the bold decision to turn away Victorians to protect the state from coronavirus.
1The province needs a consistently rainy winter season to avert day zero.
2You'd be forgiven for thinking the threat of day zero has passed.
3Every drop counts in the battle to quash day zero for good.
4Which, inevitably, has dragged day zero forward by more than a week.
5Realistically, day zero could take place at some point in March.
6A good season of above-average rainfall can stave off day zero.
7That is unless you win the 'exempt from day zero' lottery.
8They are a charity organisation helping to lift the threat of day zero.
9Unfortunately, it won't be enough to take the city's day zero troubles away.
10There must be no complacency in the fight against day zero.
11As recently as mid-January, projections for day zero were apocalyptically close.
12Staring day zero in the face, levels continued depleting throughout April.
13Less than 80 days remain before day zero comes into effect in Cape Town.
14Now, they're leading other successful campaigns to ease the potential burden of day zero.
15With day zero looming over 2019, some tough decisions will have to be made.
16Cape Town has fought tooth and nail to push day zero back to 2019.